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Купить Fundamentals of Effective Program Management: A Process Approach Based on the Global Standard, Paul Sanghera

Only a small percentage of projects are run in isolation. The majority of projects are conducted in groups under programs to more effectively meet business and organizational objectives. Due to its proven benefits to organizations of all sizes, program anagement and the demand for resources on how to do it effectively is growing at a rapid pace. In this new book, best-selling author Paul Sanghera presents a cohesive, concise, yet comprehensive coverage of the fundamentals of program management based onthe global standard for program management issued by the Project Management Institute (PMI), and in accordance with generally recognized best practices. This unique guide clearly places program management in the context of project management and project ortfolio management and describes processes that can be applied to programs in any field. Because no prior knowledge of program management is assumed, Fundamentals of Effective Program Management is useful for both those new to program/project management and to experienced practitioners whose daily tasks and responsibilities extend beyond project management and have a direct impact on accomplishing organizational objectives. Every concept, simple and complex, is defined and explained when it appears te first time. There is no hopping from topic to topic and no technical jargon without explanation. Dr. Sanghera skillfully presents all of the material in a logical learning sequence with each chapter building upon previous chapters and each section on prvious sections. Discussion exercises are presented at the end of each chapter to test newly acquired knowledge and to help apply this knowledge to practical situations. This insightful guide to mastering the Fundamentals of Effective Program Management isideal for self-learning, training or academic instruction. Special Features: Processes. Tools and techniques, along with input and output, for each program process are presented. Metrics and controls. The metrics and controls in program management re introduced and described throughout the book. Running example. An example of a fictitious company runs through all the chapters to present practical scenarios in order for the reader to understand concepts in concrete terms. Big picture. The big picure of the topics covered is presented in the beginning of each chapter before diving down into details. Notes and Tips. As you read through a chapter, you will find notes that present additional helpful material related to the topic being described, andtips that provide additional real-world insight into the topic being discussed. Summary. The summary section of each chapter provides a unified picture while reviewing the important concepts covered in the chapter. Fundamental Points. The fundamental pints section highlights the important principle covered in the chapter. Key Terms. This section lists the important terms and concepts introduced in the chapter along with their definitions. Glossary. Presents a dictionary of basic terms and concepts i program management. Discussion Exercises. Each chapter ends with the discussion exercises section which has a two-pronged purpose: to help the reader test their knowledge about the material presented in the chapter, and to help apply the knowledge to prctical situations. Показать

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