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Купить Composite Construction in Steel and Concrete, Edited by C. Dale Buckner and Ivan M. Viest

Composite steel-concrete systems are used extensively for buildings, bridges, and other civil engineering structures. Research and development related to composite construction are in progress throughout the world. Efforts to improve economy and efficiency of structures, to implement new design and construction techniques, to incorporate new and improved materials, and to devise methods to rehabilitate and strengthen existing structures all contribute to advancing the state-of-the-art in this field. Researchers and practitioners in the field of composite construction need to meet periodically to exchange information related to these topics. Such exchanges avoid duplication of research efforts, provide transfer of technology, spur new developments and promote consistency of codes. The primary objectives of papers presented at the International Conference on Composite Construction and included in this book were to exchange informaiton in the field of composite construction, provide technology transfer between researchers and practitioners, promote the use of research in the development of design procedures, and identify research needs related to composite construction. Both new construction and rehabilitation of existing structures are discussed. Показать

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