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Купить Composition: From Snapshots to Great Shots, Laurie Excell, John Batdorff, David Brommer, Rick Rickman, Steve Simon

Now that you"ve bought an amazing new DSLR, you need a book that goes beyond thecamera manual to teach you how to take great shots. One key component to that is understanding composition--the creative arrangement of elements in the shot, and the way a viewer"s eye travels through an image. With Composition: From Snapshots to Great Shots, the author starts with the basics of composition--such as the popular rule of thirds--and continues with exploring how the elements of color, shape, angles, and contrast work to create compelling images. The book covers all key camera features that affect composition (regardless of what type of DSLR you have) including shutter speed"s ability to freeze and convey motion, as well as aperture"s direct correlation with depth of field. Throughout the course of the book, the reader will gain an understanding of composition, which will allow them to bring their own unique artistic expression to any situation whether taking portraits, action shots, landscapes, or events. Beautifully illustrated with large, vibrant photos, this book teaches you how to take control of your photography to get the image you want every time you pick up the camera. Показать

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