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Купить Implementing the Early Years Foundation Stage: A Handbook, Pat Beckley, Karen Elvidge, Helen Hendry

  • Are you working or training to work in the early years sector?
  • Would you like support and guidance in understanding the key themes in the Early Years Foundation Stage document?
  • Are you looking for practical tips and strategies on how to implement EYFS in your setting?
Yes? Then this is the essential guide for you!
Relating the themes from the EYFS document to everyday practice can be a daunting prospect for the busy practitioner. This timely resource offers friendly advice and suggestions on how you can apply the document’s strategies to your own setting.
Through practical activities and case studies, the authors provide you with straight forward guidelines for implementing the statutory requirements and developing your practice. The book covers the main outline of the document, providing a discussion for the themes and rational as well as making links to current research, theory and practice.
Each chapter includes:
  • An introduction to the theme
  • Practical suggestions and activities
  • Reflective tasks
  • Case studies of good practice
This book is essential reading for anyone involved with the early years sector whether you are a student, practitioner, childminder or parent. Показать

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