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Танец с драконами
В 2 магазинах по цене от 1731 до 1896
«Танец с Драконами» это пятый, из семи запланированных, романов в эпической серии «Песнь Льда и Пламени» американского писателя Джорджа Р. Р. Мартина. Четвертый том назывался «Пир для Воронов». Тем не менее, «Танец» не следует за «Пиром» в традиционном значении этого слова – скорее, они бегут...
The Lair of the White Worm
В 1 магазине по цене 862
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics. ';But it was not only the heart-rending sound that almost paralysed poor Mimi with terror. What she saw was sufficient to fill her with evil dreams for the remainder of her life...'; At the estate of Castra...
Little Wolf’s Big Book of Spooks and Clues
A bumper Little Wolf book combining Little Wolf’s Haunted Hall for Small Horrors and Little Wolf, Forest Detective.A second bumper bindup of two Little Wolf novels, to appeal to all new fans of Little Wolf who saw him on television at Christmas. Little Wolf';s Haunted Hall for Small Horrors is the...
The Perfect Gift!
Extremely successful executive, Lou Suffern is always overstretched, immune to the holiday spirit that delights everyone around him. The classic workaholic who never has a moment to spare, he is always multitasking while shortchanging his devoted wife and their adorable children. And ever since he...
PS, I love you!
Childhood sweethearts, they could finish each other';s sentences and even when they fought, they laughed. No one could imagine Holly and Gerry without each other. Until the unthinkable happens. Gerry';s death devastates Holly. But as her 30th birthday looms, Gerry comes back to her. He';s left her...
Best of Friends
You can have it all! Abby Barton';s TV career is taking off and now she and her husband can have the life they';ve always dreamed of in a lovely Irish town -- at least, in theory! But when your husband takes you for granted and your teenage daughter hates you, an adoring old flame can spell danger...
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Ниже представлены самые свежие книги, вышедшие в данном издательстве.
— Little Wolf’s Big Book of Spooks and Clues— The Lair of the White Worm
— The Perfect Gift!
— PS, I love you!