
Книги издательства Wordsworth Classics

На этой странице представлены популярные книги, изданные издательством Wordsworth Classics. Используя сортировку, можно посмотреть самые популярные, читаемые или рецензируемые произведения, вышедшие в издательстве Wordsworth Classics.

Lady Susan and Other Works

В 2 магазинах по цене от 235 до 724

В этой книге собраны ранние попытки Джейн Остен в искусстве художественной литературы и романы, которые остались неоконченными из-за ее преждевременной смерти в 1817 году.

English Fairy Tales

В 2 магазинах по цене от 282 до 724

This book contains over forty of the best-loved fairy stories, beautifully illustrated by Arthur Rackham. Favourites such as "Jack the Giant-killer", "Jack and the Beanstalk", "Dick Whittington", "The Three Little Pigs" and "The Babes in the Wood"...

The Innocents Abroad

В 2 магазинах по цене от 417 до 722

With an Introduction by Stuart Hutchinson. Who could read the programme for the excursion without longing to make one of the party? So Mark Twain acclaims his voyage from New York City to Europe and the Holy Land in June 1867. His adventures produced The Innocents Abroad, a book so funny and...

Lady Chatterley's Lover

В 2 магазинах по цене от 490 до 724

With its four-letter words and its explicit descriptions of sexual intercourse, "Lady Chatterley"s Lover" is the novel with which D.H.Lawrence is most often associated. First published privately in Florence in 1928, it became a world-wide best-seller when Penguin Books successfully...

Little Women & Good Wives

В 2 магазинах по цене от 282 до 663

"Little Women" is one of the best-loved children"s stories of all time, based on the author"s own youthful experiences. It describes the family life of the four March sisters living in a small New England community. Meg, the eldest, is pretty and wishes to be a lady; Jo, at...

Anne of Green Gables & Anne of Avonlea

В 2 магазинах по цене от 205 до 678

When the Cuthberts send to an orphanage for a boy to help them at Green Gables, their farm in Canada, they are astonished when a talkative little girl steps off the train. Anne, red-headed, pugnacious and incurably romantic, causes chaos at Green Gables and in the village. But her wit and good...

The Waves

В 1 магазине по цене 1413

"I am writing to a rhythm and not to a plot", Virginia Woolf stated of her eighth novel, "The Waves". Widely regarded as one of her greatest and most original works, it conveys the rhythms of life in synchrony with the cycle of nature and the passage of time. Six children ...

The Age of Innocence

В 1 магазине по цене 1953

Widely regarded as one of Edith Wharton"s greatest achievements, "The Age of Innocence" is not only subtly satirical, but also a sometimes dark and disturbing comedy of manners in its exploration of the "eternal triangle" of love. Set against the backdrop of upper-class New...


В 1 магазине по цене 2407

When Pollyanna Whittier goes to live with her sour-tempered aunt after her father"s death, things seem bad enough, but then a dreadful accident ensues. However, Pollyanna"s sunny nature and good humour prove to have an astonishing effect on all around her, and this wonderful tale of how...


В 1 магазине по цене 695

Germinal (1885) is the thirteenth in Emile Zola"s cycle of twenty novels about the Rougon-Macquart dynasty. It tells the story of Etienne Lantier, from the illegitimate Macquart branch of the family, who arrives in the mining settlement of Montsou, and witnesses at first hand the appalling...

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Самые популярные авторы издательства Wordsworth Classics

Здесь Вы найдете самых популярных авторов, которые когда-либо издавали свои книги в издательстве Wordsworth Classics. Возможно, некоторые из этих авторов уже печатают свои книги в других издательствах.

Mark Twain
Charles Dickens
D. H. Lawrence
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Elizabeth Gaskell

Последние новинки издательства Wordsworth Classics

Ниже представлены самые свежие книги, вышедшие в данном издательстве.

Nineteen Eighty-Four
Midsummer Nights Dream
Thus Spake Zarathustra
The Divine Comedy
Moby Dick

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Шестьдесят килограммов солнечного света

«Шестьдесят килограммов солнечного света» Хатльгрим Хельгасон

Хатльгрим Хельгасон – открытие моего читательского года, и его прозу я буду рекомендовать всем и каждому, как только научусь выговаривать без запинки его имя.Я догадывалась, конечно, что... Читать далее

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