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Ally D'Apliese is about to compete in one of the world's most perilous yacht races, when she hears the news of her adoptive father's sudden, mysterious death. Rushing back to meet her five sisters at their family home, she discovers that her father - an elusive billionaire affectionately known to his daughters as Pa Salt - has left each of them a tantalising clue to their true heritage.
Ally has also recently embarked on a deeply passionate love affair that will change her destiny forever. But with her life now turned upside down, Ally decides to leave the open seas and follow the trail that her father left her, which leads her to the icy beauty of Norway . . .
There, Ally begins to discover her roots - and how her story is inextricably bound to that of a young unknown singer, Anna Landvik, who lived there over a hundred years before, and sang in the first performance of Grieg's iconic music set to Ibsen's play 'Peer Gynt'. As Ally learns more about Anna, she also begins to question who her father, Pa Salt, really was. And why is the seventh sister missing?
Following the bestselling The Seven Sisters, The Storm Sister is the second book in Lucinda Riley's spellbinding series based loosely on the mythology surrounding the famous star constellation. Показать

The Storm Sister

«People always fear those who are different»

«The Storm Sister» Lucinda Riley

The Storm Sister

«Not only did I feel under the weather physically, but I’d been unsettled about Willem since his dinner invitation. In our practices together since, I’d sensed a certain froideur emanating from him. He had kept the conversation on a purely ‘business’ level, our discussions in the taxi entirely based on the music we had rehearsed.»

«The Storm Sister» Lucinda Riley

The Storm Sister

«I’m sure there are millions of us who have a natural ability at something, but unless we harness that ability and dedicate ourselves to it, we can never reach our full potential.»

«The Storm Sister» Lucinda Riley

The Storm Sister

«...someone once told me that life only throws at you what it feels you can deal with»

«The Storm Sister» Lucinda Riley

The Storm Sister

«I hadn’t understood why they couldn’t get up, dust themselves down from whatever trauma they had borne and move on. Brutally, I’d begun to realise that until one had experienced loss and deep pain oneself, it was impossible to truly empathise with others in the same predicament.»

«The Storm Sister» Lucinda Riley

The Storm Sister

«In moments of weakness, you will find your greatest strength.»

«The Storm Sister» Lucinda Riley

The Storm Sister

«Fear is the most powerful enemy human beings face, and your lack of it is the greatest gift that God has bestowed on you.»

«The Storm Sister» Lucinda Riley

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