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Один из основателей компании Amway делится своими наблюдениями и выводами о том, как с помощью позитивного мышления и нескольких простых фраз изменить свою жизнь и жизнь своих близких к лучшему. Показать

Ten powerful phrases

«Let's all us our hearts. Say "I love you." With this and all the other powerful phrases, we can all make our homes, communities, and world more positive places to live.»

«Ten powerful phrases» Rich DeVos

Ten powerful phrases

«So, love is all around us. We need to look for and nurture love... If you can't say the words, at least give someone a hug. And make it a big one!»

«Ten powerful phrases» Rich DeVos

Ten powerful phrases

«I do not deny that our country has problems or claim it has a history without blemish, but I make no apologies for my unabashed love to my country.»

«Ten powerful phrases» Rich DeVos

Ten powerful phrases

«Love comes in all forms. You can love someone in a very personal way. You can love your children in a slightly different way. You can love your doctor for what he does for you.»

«Ten powerful phrases» Rich DeVos

Ten powerful phrases

«We need to put our feelings in writing or pass them on personally. We need to make the expression of our feelings a personal habit.»

«Ten powerful phrases» Rich DeVos

Ten powerful phrases

«We have to learn to think about how we really feel about other people, be willing to express those feelings and begin to say "I love you".»

«Ten powerful phrases» Rich DeVos

Ten powerful phrases

«Love is a term of great trust and belief - the strongest term you can use to speak to another person if you feel that way about them.»

«Ten powerful phrases» Rich DeVos

Ten powerful phrases

«"I love you" is a powerful phrase that encompasses all the others. The way we feel about people - whether it's romantic love, family relationships, or even close friendships - is a form of love.»

«Ten powerful phrases» Rich DeVos

Ten powerful phrases

«The big boss you respect and admire the most is likely the one who remembers your name, comments on the good job you're doing, or stops to chat and ask about your family. Earning respect is simple. It doesn't take sophisticated skills or a degree in management but it's essential to successful leadership.»

«Ten powerful phrases» Rich DeVos

Ten powerful phrases

«A basic knowledge of business and how to run an organization is of limited value if you cannot respect the people with whom you work and those whom you serve. If they cannot respect you, then you are not a leader.»

«Ten powerful phrases» Rich DeVos

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