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Цитаты из книги «Life Expectancy»

Before he died on a storm-wracked night, Jimmy Tock"s grandfather predicted there would be five dark days in his grandson"s life - five dates whose terrible events Jimmy must prepare himself to face.The first is to occur in his twentieth year, the last in his thirtieth. What terrifying events await Jimmy on these five critical days? What challenges must he survive? The path he follows will defy every expectation and will take all the love, humor, and courage he possesses. For who Jimmy Tock is and what he must accomplish on the five days his world turns is a mystery both dangerous and wondrous... Показать

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Напишу банальную банальность, но, скорее всего, большинство людей, слыша имя Кир Булычев, вспоминают Алису, песню про прекрасное далеко и иже с ними. В общем, пребывают в полной... Читать далее

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