Рецензии на книгу Systems Analysis and Design with UML

A modern, hands-on approach to doing SAD--in UML!
Get the core skills you need to actually do systems analysis and design with this highly practical, hands-on approach to SAD using UML! Authors Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom, and David Tegarden guide you through each part of the SAD process, with clear explanations of what it is and how to implement it, along with detailed examples and exercises that allow you to practice what you"ve learned.
Now updated to include UML Version 2.0 and revised, this Second Edition features a new chapter on the Unified Process, increased coverage of project management, and more examples.
* Written in UML: The text takes a contemporary, object-oriented approach using UML.
* Focus on doing SAD: After presenting the how and what of each major technique, the text guides you through practice problems and then invites you to use the technique in a project.
* Rich examples of both success and failure: Concepts in Action boxes describe how real companies succeeded and failed in performing the activities in the chapters.
* Project approach: Each chapter focuses on a different step in the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process. Topics are presented in the order in which they are encountered in a typical project.
* A running case: This case threaded throughout the text allows you to apply each concept you have learned. Показать

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