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Learn to take full advantage of search and social media for B2B marketingBusiness-to-business marketers have been slow to enter the online marketing arena, but now that the impact of search and social media marketing in the consumer marketplace is clearly documented, B2B marketers are ready for a complete guide to making the most of the medium. Written by experts with first-hand knowledge of the field, this book clearly explains how to leverage today"s search engine marketing and social media technologies to get, nurture, and convert leads. Topics include strategy, branding, monitoring, resource allocation, and much more.B2B marketers need detailed, practical guidelines and strategies for how best to gain, nurture, and convert leads using today"s Internet technologies and strategiesThis ultimate how-to guide examines strategic and branding considerations, search engine optimization techniques, and how to maximize the impact of banner ads and landing pagesExplains how to use social media listening and monitoring tools, how to engage visitors, and how to allocate resources to ensure successCovers measuring results, improving web site usability, using metrics, and nurturing leadsSkilled B2B marketers who are ready to take advantage of all that online marketing has to offer will find this guide provides exactly the know-how they need. Показать

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