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Book DescriptionRevolutionize Your Business From the Inside-Out
Marketing without Advertising

Today"s customer has discovered that they can often find the best price, service, and quality without ever leaving the comfort of their pajamas. What can you offer that your customer can"t get online? And if competing with the Internet isn"t enough, you also have to battle national retailers, deep-discount megastores and big-box merchants.

Convincing the customer to choose you over all other options has become more challenging - and more important - than ever. The way to thrive is to provide a buying environment so dynamic and inviting that your customers will want to come back again and again. In other words, it"s about the world inside your door – where you meet, or fall short of, your customers" expectations – i.e. the "Personal Experience Factor."

The One Year Business Turnaround is an inclusive guide that provides you with a year"s worth of tools and skills you can use to create an exciting Personal Experience Factor that is unique to your business. Based on realworld results and filled with simple strategies and illuminating ideas, this book is a must-read for any business person looking for new ways to succeed.

In The One Year Business Turnaround, Mike reveals fifty-two tested techniques that helped him build his electrical supply company to more than one million dollars a month in sales, even though he was challenged by Home Depot on the left and Lowe"s on the right. Sound like something you might want to read?
– Roy H. Williams,
New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Wizard of Ads trilogy Показать

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