Рецензии на книгу The Color Printer Idea Book : 40 Really Cool and Useful Projects to Make with Any Color Printer!

With complete step-by-step instructions, materials lists, and sources for each project, The Color Printer Idea Book gives readers all the information they need to make beautiful gifts, decorations, and games. In addition, readers learn the skills and techniques that allow them to confidently produce quality projects with ingenuity and a striking professional touch. Everyone will want to be a part of the fun in turning personal inkjet printers into home creativity machines. Hall shows readers how to:

* Print professional-looking labels for homemade concoctions
* Personalize T-shirts and aprons
* Design a customized clock or candy jar
* Make dazzling business cards and plaques
* Create mock stained glass and embroidery
* Produce a photo calendar
* Include 3-D images or secret messages in a card or flyer
* And much, much more!

The Color Printer Idea Book is not only the first-timer users, it"s an invaluable workbook full of time-tested hints for computer crafting professionals everywhere. As a staple item for hours of productive fun, this book is for creative computer-users who want to take their color inkjet printers to the limit. Показать

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