Рецензии на книгу Wills, Trusts, and Estates Administration (2nd Edition) (Pearson Legal Series)

Using practical, self-contained chapters, this book provides an overview of wills, trusts, and estates and can easily support a variety of programs and audiences. Designed with flexibility in mind, it captures the complexities of the field, while maintaining a clear tone that is accessible and concise. Throughout the book, core concepts are reinforced by illustrations, charts, tables, and appellate court cases. This edition features updated case materials and statutes, new sample estate forms, additional end-of-chapter questions, new projects and an added chapter on alternate family lifestyles. Captures the complexities of the field, while maintaining a clear tone that is accessible and concise. Uses language and tone that is accessible to the novice, yet still engaging for the more critical reader. Case materials and statutes give readers the most up-todate legislation and decisions. Addresses contemporary family issues such as adoption, blended families, non-married couples, and grandparents raising children. Estate forms reflect the changes to the law and to practical practice issues. Specifically designed for the legal professional. Показать

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