Рецензии на книгу Talking Nets: An Oral History of Neural Networks

"Talking Nets is a fascinating book. . . . Anyone with a serious--or even half-serious--interest in neural networks, or in the history of AI or cognitive science, should read Talking Nets." -- Margaret A. Boden, Times Literary Supplement Since World War II, a group of scientists has been attempting to understand the human nervous system and to build computer systems that emulate the brain"s abilities. In this collection of interviews, those who helped to shape the field share their childhood memories, their influences, how they became interested in neural networks, and how they envision its future.

Prominent in these recollections are Norbert Wiener, Warren McCulloch, Frank Rosenblatt, and other mythic figures responsible for layingthe foundations of modern brain theory and cybernetics. The interviewees agree about some things and disagree about more. Together, they tell the story of how science is actually done, including the false starts and the struggle for jobs, resources, and reputation. Although some of the interviews contain technical material, there is no actual mathematics in the book. Показать

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