Рецензии на книгу Quality of Service in a Cisco(r) Networking Environment

Quality of Service is expected to become the most important communications topic in the new millennium.

The acclaimed author, Gilbert Held, provides a comprehensive guide to obtaining a Quality of Service (QoS) capability in a Cisco hardwareenvironment.

Today there are many aspects of the QoS "puzzle" and Cisco is providing users with a wide range of solutions. Some solutions are well known but do not scale for use on the Internet or on a large corporate Intranet. Other solutions must be used in conjunction with different schemes for true end-to-end QoS. That is where this book comes in, providing a guide to the various pieces of the QoS puzzle.

Quality of Service in a Cisco Networking Environment:
* Is a one-stop location to obtain complete and concise information about achieving QoS for applications transported over local and wireless area networks.

* Provides a tutorial on the operation of different QoS techniques (IEEE 802.1p, 802.1Q, Differentiated Services, and RSVP).

* Describes Cisco Router QoS and Switch QoS commands.

* Gives examples of QoS configurations.

* Includes a series of easy to implement IP and Frame Relay traffic enhancement techniques.
Written for the local and wide area network planners and managers, local area network administrators and router administrators, every chapter initially guides the reader through the theory behind a specific QoS technique. This information is then followed with a series of Cisco command examples tailored to a specific QoS technique. Readers learn both how a QoS technique operates and how to place it into effect in a Cisco environment. Показать

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