Рецензии на книгу Vineyard Days, Vineyard Nights: The Romance of Martha's Vineyard

Book DescriptionAward-winning photographer Nancy Ellison offers an intimate glimpse of America"s most fabled vacation island-Martha"s Vineyard. Her romantic photographs capture landmarks such as the beautifully colored Gay Head Cliffs, the bustling farmers" market, weathered clapboard houses, haunting sunsets, and picturesque lighthouses. Ellison also explores unexpected views of the changing landscape that have often been overlooked.

Accompanying the photographs is text by Cape Cod resident and renowned travel writer Paul Theroux. His evocative essay reflects on the changing moods of the Vineyard. Diverse Island personalities including year round residents such as the shipbuilders and lobster men as well as celebrities Art Buchwald, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Walter Cronkite, Carly Simon, Bill Styron, Mike Wallace, and others come together in Vineyard Days, Vineyard Nights. There has not been a Vineyard book in many years. And now, Ellison"s collection of photographs fills that gap and makes the perfect souvenir of the Island. The book is not only a wonderful treasure for visitors but is an intimate portrait of the Vineyard that residents will recognize and embrace as their own. Показать

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