Рецензии на книгу The Everything Guide to Starting and Running a Nonprofit: All you need to establish, manage, and maintain a successful nonprofit business (Everything Series)

A successful nonprofit organization needs more than a good idea and enthusiastic volunteers. It needs careful planning, realistic goals, and sustainable financing. With The Everything Guide to Starting and Running a Nonprofit with CD, nonprofit advisor Jim Goettler walks you through each step of the process. Learn how to take an idea from a grassroots group to a federally recognized nonprofit organization. This book features information on:The differences and similarities between organizations and corporationsForming the initial board of directors and filing incorporation documentsAttracting the best volunteers and staff membersUsing publicity and community outreach to raise moneyTurning a for-profit organization into a nonprofit oneA bonus CD includes sample documents needed for any new nonprofit: articles of incorporation, bylaws, budgets, and IRS nonprofit status applications and instructions. With these tools, you"ll be able to turn your dreams and passions into a thriving nonprofit organization. Показать

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