Рецензии на книгу Data Warehousing : The Route to Mass Communication

Data warehousing is about transforming the data which an organization possesses and turning it into information of strategic significance. Data Warehousing explores the most pressing issue in business today — the means to improve strategic decision making. Data Warehousing represents a map for a new way of looking at data and information. Data exists in abundance but it is often unusable to support decision making because it is unstructured, unintegrated, aged or polluted.

  • explores the issue whether to build a full enterprise data warehouse, or whether to go for a scaled down "data mart"
  • updated to include the latest developments, acronyms, and techniques
  • compares and contrasts relational and multidimensional databases
  • evaluates the use of data warehousing to support operational processing
  • reports on innovative designs for optimal performance of relational databases for a "query intensive" world
  • analyzes artificial intelligence data mining tools
  • examines new case histories…and the reactions of the organizations involved
It has been a momentous change. Information Technology is no longer a business resource, it is the business environment. The Economist 1994 Successfully combines theory with hard-headed practical advice for those who want to proceed with a data warehouse project. Technology Strategies 1995 …this intriguing no-nonsense guide to the pleasures and pitfalls will illuminate your steps… Cant do without it. Managing Information 1995 Data warehousing is used in marketing, strategic decision making … even crime detection. Whichever business youre in, if you supply data to management, or need information in order to manage — youll need to know about data warehousing. Показать

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