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#Как это было у меня. 90-е
В 2 магазинах по цене от 499
Книга Сергея Васильева, начинавшего свой бизнес с Тверьуниверсалбанка, - уникальные личные заметки о 1990-х. Эта книга о трансформации типичной советской молодежи 1960-х годов рождения в современных бизнесменов 2000-х. Эта книга о том, как менялась страна, ее финансовая система, о становлении...
& Fork
A global survey of 100 of the world';s most exciting and important young product designers, as selected by 10 renowned design experts. Follow-up to the highly successful Spoon, this book presents the innovations and developments in the design world since Spoon';s publication. Also included are 10...
Wouldn"t you want God to Speak directly to you about your business? Do you want clear direction guided by God"s wisdom and knowledge? Owning a business can be difficult in these hard economic times. Every day we find ourselves answering many questions, making decisions and dealing with...
"I Got Here. You Can Too!" A Masters Course in Becoming a Millionaire
In his new book, "I GOT HERE. YOU CAN TOO!", Bruce lets you in on the means and methods that he and almost every successful entrepreneur must know in order to break the "Million Dollar" barrier. Bruce A. Berman takes his hard earned, wealth building, business lessons and...
"Moneying Fish" in South Korean Waters
Effective management of harvesting within fisheries requires the setting of a management target for the stock biomass of the fishery. Common targets are garcest strategies that maintain the stock biomass at levels of MEY of a fishery, or those that provide a maximum sustainable yield (MSY). From an...
"Secret Bull Niche" Stock Market Trading System
"Secret Bull Nichea?? Stock Market Trading System... That Could Make You Filthy Rich In Good Times AND In Bad Times Of Economic Crisis! Discover How To Trade Secret Stocksa?¦ to quickly and easily make a small fortune, in this little known, always on, a??Secret Bull Nichea?? stock marketa?¦...
"SEE" The EMPOWERING Energy Solution: Save money today, Create well paying jobs, Promote local economic growth, Reduce energy usage, Significantly ... Assure a long-term vibrant eco
This book will empower YOU as an individual to make informed decisions about your options regarding energy use for the heating or cooling of your home or other occupied buildings that you may own. Amazingly, if you finance the conversion of your old home or the building of your new home to SEE...
"Seeds": The Story Most Children Are Never Told
Whether you are 6 or 60, you should find that this children"s story has one or two parallels in your own life... So let"s find out what happens to a fellow named Palooko, and and a fellow named Greecho, as they go through life and one mysterious day an event takes place that would change...