Книги - бизнес-этика
На этой странице представлены наиболее интересные книги по теме Бизнес-этика. Используя различные варианты сортировки посмотрите также наиболее рецензируемые, обсуждаемые или цитируемые книги данной тематики.
Вы искали книги по метке "бизнес-этика".
Результаты поиска: 52
Should Prometheus Be Bound? : Corporate Global Responsibility
Book DescriptionThis book proposes a critical analysis of the new corporate responsibilities in a globalizing world. It is built around the creative and entrepreneurial power of the business firm and the new opportunities and challenges offeredby science and technology, globalization and...
The Ethics Of Management
Hosmer’s fourth edition of The Ethics of Management provides business students (future managers) with a very specific analytical process for understanding and resolving moral problems in management. A manager needs insight and understanding in a global economy to convince everyone involved...
Do Business with People You Can Trust: Balancing Profits and Principles
At time when investors are wondering who to trust, L.J. Rittenhouse has written the first-ever guide to identifying trustworthy business leadership. She examines the letters that CEOs write in their annual reports to show readers how to spot executives with clear sight, wise judgment and the...
Life, Liberty and the Defense of Dignity: The Challenge for Bioethics
At the onset of "Life, Liberty and the Defense of Dignity," Leon Kass gives us a status report on where we stand today: "Human nature itself lies on the operating table, ready for alteration, for eugenic and psychic "enhancement," for wholesale redesign.In leading...
Wake Up Calls: Classic Cases in Business Ethics
Wake Up Calls: Classic Cases in Business Ethics presents classic cases that demonstrate business ethics blunders by mainstream companies. The authors provide a conceptual background to help put each case into a meaningful context. By exploring and discussing where businesses have failed, learners...
Tea & Etiquette: Taking Tea for Business and Pleasure (Capital Lifestyles Book)
Afternoon tea is one of the fastest-growing trends in America. Hotels, country inns, and tearooms are reviving this most relaxing repast. The customs and courtesies associated with serving tea are new to many Americans eager to use tea as an alternative to the business lunch or dinner, or as a...
The Book of Questions: Business, Politics and Ethics
Forget Democrat vs. Republican or capitalist vs. socialist. Like the models used in business or law school, these 300 primary and follow-up questions focus on commerce and politics as a way to probe the more important conflict between ideals and reality--and sound your own morals. 106,000 copies in...
Do No Evil: Ethics with Applications to Economic Theory and Business
Being good is not good enough to be moral. In Do No Evil, Michael Berumen debunks the notions that moral judgments are subjective preferences and that there are no universal standards of morality. He analyzes leading normative theories and gives biographical highlights on several important...
Just Business: Business Ethics in Action
Just Business provides a thorough and invaluable framework for understanding questions of business ethics and corporate governance. What are business"s proper responsibilities? Is bribery ever moral? When are takeovers and redundancy ethical? Elaine Sternberg looks at these and other issues...
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Издательства, которые наиболее часто выпускают книги по теме Бизнес-этика
Здесь представлены издательства, которые наиболее часто выпускают книги, относящиеся к теме Бизнес-этика.
— McGraw-Hill Irwin— World Scientific Publishing Company
— Allen Lane
Популярные авторы, пишущие на тему Бизнес-этика
Наиболее популярные авторы, которые наиболее часто встречаются, как авторы книг по теме Бизнес-этика. Возможно, произведения этих авторов будут Вам наиболее интересны.
— La Rue Tone Hosmer, La Rue Hosmer— Jacques Cory
— Daniel Little
— Society for Human Resource Management
— Edited by Daniel B. Cornfield, Karen E. Campbell, Holly J. McCammon