Книги - сертификаты и экзамены в ит
На этой странице представлены наиболее интересные книги по теме Сертификаты и экзамены в ит. Используя различные варианты сортировки посмотрите также наиболее рецензируемые, обсуждаемые или цитируемые книги данной тематики.
Вы искали книги по метке "сертификаты и экзамены в ит".
Результаты поиска: 93
Certfication Press MCSE Windows(R) 2000 Network Administration Lab Manual
Build the skills you"ll need for on-the-job success! This lab manual contains real-world projects and exercises designed to accompany the MCSE Windows 2000 Network Administration Study Guide. Inside, you"ll find more than 40 laboratory exercises with solutions, step-by-step scenarios that...
70-217: MCSE Guide to Microsoft Windows 2000 Active Directory Certification Edition
MCSE Guide to Microsoft Windows 2000 Active Directory Certification Edition provides you with the skills to plan, implement, and manage Microsofts Windows 2000 operating systemskills that are in high demand in todays business environment.
Windows XP Professional Practice Questions Exam Cram 2 (MCSE 70-270) (+ CD-ROM)
MCSE 70-270 Practice Questions Exam Cram 2 provides you with over 500 practice test questions as well as complete answer explanations, giving you the perfect complementary tool for your MCSE 70-270 studies. The book features relevant Exam Notes to help you score better on the actual exam, plus the...
Certification Press MCSE Windows(R) 2000 Professional Lab Manual, Student Edition
Build the skills you"ll need for on-the-job success! This lab manual contains real-world projects and exercises designed to accompany the MCSE Windows 2000 Professional Study Guide. Inside, you"ll find more than 40 laboratory exercises with solutions, step-by-step scenarios that require...
Complete Java 2 Certification Study Guide
Book DescriptionHere"s the book you need to prepare for the Java 2 Programmer (SCJP) and Developer (SCJD) exams. This Study Guide was developed to meet the exacting requirements of today"s certification candidates. In addition to the consistent and accessible instructional approach that...
SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 Study Guide (Exam 310-055) (Certification Press Study Guides)
Get the book that shows you not only what to study, but how to study. The only classroom-based integrated study system for professional certification gives you complete coverage of all objectives for the Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 exam, hundreds of practice exam questions, and hands-on...
Test Driving Linux: From Window to Linux in 60 Seconds
For years, computer users have put up with the bugs, security holes, and viruses on Windows because they had no choice. Until recently, there has never been a good alternative to Windows. But now, Windows users can switch to Linux, the reliable, secure, and spyware free operating system. Linux is...
Solaris 9 System Administration Training Guide (Exam CX-310-014 and CX-310-015)
Author Bill Calkins is the leading voice of this industry, and he"s once again delivered the perfect study companion for UNIX system professionals preparing for the Solaris 9 System Administrator exams (310-014 and 310-015). Readers preparing for thisexam find our Training Guide series to be...
Certified Macromedia ColdFusion MX Developer Study Guide
For intermediate to advanced ColdFusion developers, the Certified Macromedia ColdFusion MX Developer Study Guide serves one important purpose: To prepare developers to take (and pass!) the test to become certified ColdFusion MX developers. How, then, to explain the fact that more copies of the...
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Издательства, которые наиболее часто выпускают книги по теме Сертификаты и экзамены в ит
Здесь представлены издательства, которые наиболее часто выпускают книги, относящиеся к теме Сертификаты и экзамены в ит.
— Apress— Cisco Press
— Cisco Press
— Cisco Press
— Cisco Press
Популярные авторы, пишущие на тему Сертификаты и экзамены в ит
Наиболее популярные авторы, которые наиболее часто встречаются, как авторы книг по теме Сертификаты и экзамены в ит. Возможно, произведения этих авторов будут Вам наиболее интересны.
— SAS Publishing— Joe Habraken, Matt Hayden
— James Long
— Michael Gregg
— Paul M. Hildreth, Chris Kimble