Отзывы о книге Dr. Mac: The OS X Files, Panther Edition

* Completely updated, enhanced and expanded for OS X Jaguar, Panther, and beyond, including dozens of new power user techniques from Mac users worldwide
* Teaches readers how to become power users with chapters on the Classic environment, hardware and software add-ons, and ways to customize the Mac
* Includes coverage of Unix, including the shell, terminal program and shell command-line editing shortcuts
* Features Dr. Mac favorites such as recommended software, things other power usersthink you should know about OS X, MacStyles of the Not-So-Rich-and-Famous Power Users, The Dr. Macintosh Abridged Dictionary, and more
* Author hosts a weekly radio program, has been published in more than two dozen computer magazines, and has soldmore than a million copies of his previous books worldwide
* Companion Web site provides links to the absolute best freeware, shareware, games, demo programs, informative PDF files, icons, and more Показать

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