Отзывы о книге Doug Underwood: Boy Reporter

Book DescriptionThese are the memoirs of a Nashville news reporter and photographer. During Doug Underwood"s life, he worked at the Nashville Banner, The Columbia Daily Herald, WLAC-TV and WSM-TV in Nashville, Tennessee. He also worked for Bill Brock, Nat Winston and Winfield Dunn, prominent Tennessee politicians. He started his own weekly community newspaper, The Westview, in the Bellevue area of Nashville in 1978.

After joining a local writer"s group, he started writing the stories Paula Underwood Winters had grown up hearing about. They were stories about his early days working as a news photographer and reporter. He wrote about covering the burning of the Maxwell House Hotel and helping police catch an illegal abortionist. He also wrote about covering a tragic, well-publicized murder as well as more humorous incidents during his career.

Ms. Winters compiled these stories along with photographs taken of him and by him to create his memoirs. These assembled works were the only stories he had finished prior to his death in 1995. Показать

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