Отзывы о книге 301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview

"Is there anything you"d like to ask us?" This question can paralyze even the most seasoned job applicants. But with "301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview" at your side, you"ll be ready with a response that demonstrates your confidence and ability to see the whole picture and think on your feet. This second edition of the bestselling job seeker"s resource delivers proven, up-to-the-minute tools for job hunters who want to shine in this most crucial part of the interview process.
Written with the participation of hundreds of recruiters, job coaches, hiring managers, and Fortune 500 HR specialists, this book is the best available source for the questions that can advance your candidacy and convince interviewers that you"re the best person for the job. Other features, including examples of the most powerful questions you can ask - and the questions never to ask - make "301 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview" your go-to guide for get-noticed, get-hired tips and techniques and expert guidance to put you in the driver"s seat at your next interview. Показать

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