Отзывы о книге Home–Based Business For Dummies®

Starting your own home-based business is a great way to supplement your income in these tough economic times. With thirty percent new and revised material, Home-Based Business for Dummies, 3rd Edition gives you the most current and up-to-date information you need to navigate your way through the whole process.

You"ll get trusted and creative advice on how to start being your own boss, bringing in a steady paycheck, and running a business you"ll enjoy.
- Complete coverage of legal and financial aspects of a home-based business.
- Effective advertising and promotional strategies that won"t break the bank.
- Tips and information you need to make your business profitable.
- Advice on outfitting and running a home office.

Whether you"ve been affected by downsizing in these uncertain times or are just looking to earn some extra cash, Home-Based Business for Dummies, 3rd Edition shows you how to avoid scams and truly start working from home for profit. Показать

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