Отзывы о книге The iMac for Dummies Quick Reference

If iMac, you can, too. Yes, using an iMac is simple. After you power up your very own piece of iCandy, you can quickly pick up on the basics with this ...For Dummies Quick Reference. You find that "navigating" means pointing your mouse"s arrow andclicking, and that electronic file folders aren"t really much different than the manila kind you used to put in a file cabinet. Soon, you"ll be able to arrange your screen"s desktop the way you want, set up files and print them, and move in and out of windows and software applications. Find out how to select files from a CD-ROM and use the Internet. And after you"re comfortable with the basics, databases, spreadsheets, and word processing are all can-do-able with AppleWorks. The shortcut key commands listed in the last chapter, as any seasoned Mac user will tell you, are indispensable. Показать

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