Отзывы о книге Yada, Yada, Yada.Com.Org.Edu.Gov.Email: What I Learned on the Www/Internet--Total Nonsense

Should I open it or shouldn"t I? That"s the question. Will it have a virus attached, will it be something I really don"t want to see or read? Is it someone I know? What if I open it and don"t want to download the attached file? How am I going to answer it if it requires an answer? Not to worry, be creative or let them think you are. Pages upon pages of fun stuff right at your fingertips. Chock full of educational, informational and pure nonsensical stuff of absolutely no use. It will be the desk reference you"ll use the most because it"s fun and sometimes even factual. Did you know that the only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is uncopyrightable?. . . or that the world"s termites outweigh the world"s humans 10 to 1. Find Yada. Yada. Yada inside. Показать

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