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Pat of Silver Bush

«Patsy dear, governmints may go in and governmints may go out but the jam pots av Silver Bush do have to be filled.»

«Pat of Silver Bush» L. M. Montgomery

Pat of Silver Bush

«It would be rather nice to have a blind husband because he wouldn't care if you weren't pretty. But I don't suppose I'll ever see him again.»

«Pat of Silver Bush» L. M. Montgomery

Pat of Silver Bush

«When I said Sid and Cuddles had the measles she said proudly, 'I had mumps and measles and scarlet fever and middle ear in one year and now I have to get my tonsils out.' It made me feel very inexperienced.»

«Pat of Silver Bush» L. M. Montgomery

Pat of Silver Bush

«Uncle Robert's Maiden Aunt says once you are in your teens the years just whirl by and first thing you know you're old.»

«Pat of Silver Bush» L. M. Montgomery

Pat of Silver Bush

«What did it matter if she had no great beauty herself? She had the beauty of shining meadows ... of moon secrets in field and grove ... of beloved Silver Bush.»

«Pat of Silver Bush» L. M. Montgomery

Pat of Silver Bush

«It's so much easier to be confidential in the dark," Pat had told Judy.»

«Pat of Silver Bush» L. M. Montgomery

Pat of Silver Bush

«The best part of a visit is getting home," said Pat.»

«Pat of Silver Bush» L. M. Montgomery

Pat of Silver Bush

«Oh, Judy ... I did something ... I s'spose it was bad. I ... I wanted father to name the baby ... and I pulled up the seeds as fast as they came up in the mornings. Was it very bad, Judy?" "Oh, oh, shocking," said Judy, with a contradictory twinkle in her eyes. "If Joe knew he'd put a tin ear on ye. But I'll not be telling. More be token as I wanted yer dad to have his way. He do be put upon be the women in this house and that's a fact." "His seed was the last one to come up," said Pat, "and Aunt Hazel's never came up at all." "Oh, oh, didn't it now?" giggled Judy. "It was up the morning afore yer dad's and I pulled it out meself.»

«Pat of Silver Bush» L. M. Montgomery

Pat of Silver Bush

«"Oh, Judy, you wouldn't marry him?" "Oh, oh, and why shudn't I now?" "And leave us?" "Oh, oh, there's the rub," remarked Judy, who had sent old Tom off to what she called "the tune the ould cow died on." "'Twud be more than the quarter av inny man that'd tempt me to do that same." But a WHOLE man might tempt Judy some day and Pat was uneasy. Oh, change was terrible! What a pity people had to get married!»

«Pat of Silver Bush» L. M. Montgomery

Pat of Silver Bush

«If ye hadn't been seeing innything but his head ye cudn't have told whether he was a man or a bat. /Judy/»

«Pat of Silver Bush» L. M. Montgomery

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«Протагонист» Ася Володина

Книга классная! «Протагонист» Аси Володиной - произведение не очень большое, но обладает эффектом «расширяющейся вселенной». Мы видим девять историй (плюс одна «условная» история) людей... Читать далее

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