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Pat of Silver Bush

«Marrying's a trouble and not marrying's a trouble and I sticks to the trouble I knows. /Judy/»

«Pat of Silver Bush» L. M. Montgomery

Pat of Silver Bush

«Pat was always like that about her clothes. She wore them until they simply wouldn't look at her because they were so dear to her she couldn't bear to give them up. She hated her new duds until she had worn them for a few weeks. Then she turned around and loved them fiercely, too.»

«Pat of Silver Bush» L. M. Montgomery

The Storm Sister

«People always fear those who are different»

«The Storm Sister» Lucinda Riley

The Storm Sister

«Not only did I feel under the weather physically, but I’d been unsettled about Willem since his dinner invitation. In our practices together since, I’d sensed a certain froideur emanating from him. He had kept the conversation on a purely ‘business’ level, our discussions in the taxi entirely based on the music we had rehearsed.»

«The Storm Sister» Lucinda Riley

The Storm Sister

«I’m sure there are millions of us who have a natural ability at something, but unless we harness that ability and dedicate ourselves to it, we can never reach our full potential.»

«The Storm Sister» Lucinda Riley

The Storm Sister

«...someone once told me that life only throws at you what it feels you can deal with»

«The Storm Sister» Lucinda Riley

The Storm Sister

«I hadn’t understood why they couldn’t get up, dust themselves down from whatever trauma they had borne and move on. Brutally, I’d begun to realise that until one had experienced loss and deep pain oneself, it was impossible to truly empathise with others in the same predicament.»

«The Storm Sister» Lucinda Riley

The Storm Sister

«In moments of weakness, you will find your greatest strength.»

«The Storm Sister» Lucinda Riley

The Storm Sister

«Fear is the most powerful enemy human beings face, and your lack of it is the greatest gift that God has bestowed on you.»

«The Storm Sister» Lucinda Riley

The Hobbit

«'While there's life there's hope!' as my father used to say, and 'Third time pays for all'.»

«The Hobbit» J. R. R Tolkien

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«Протагонист» Ася Володина

Книга классная! «Протагонист» Аси Володиной - произведение не очень большое, но обладает эффектом «расширяющейся вселенной». Мы видим девять историй (плюс одна «условная» история) людей... Читать далее

Chastitsa Chastitsa5 дней 13 часов 50 минут назад

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