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Цитата из книги Travels with Charley: In Search of America (John Steinbeck)

Travels with Charley: In Search of America

«I remembered Seattle as a town sitting on hills beside a matchless harborage a little city of space and trees and gardens, its houses matched to such a background. It is no longer so. The tops of hills are shaved off to make level warrens for the rabbits of the present. The highways eight lanes wide cut like glaciers through the uneasy land. This Seattle had no relation to the one I remembered. The traffic rushed with murderous intensity. On the outskirts of this place I once knew well I could not find my way. Along what had been country lanes rich with berries, high wire fences and mile-long factories stretched, and the yellow smoke of progress hung over all, fighting the sea winds' efforts to drive them off.»

«Travels with Charley: In Search of America» John Steinbeck

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